About Saul Yaros

On March 15th, 2023, RWB Saul Yaros was summoned to the Grand Lodge Above. He will forever be remembered as a true and faithful craftsman. His knowledge of freemasonry was unsurpassed. RWB Saul deeply cared about the masonic education of his brothers and to that end donated his extensive masonic book collection to Victory Through Harmony Lodge so that the brethren of the lodge could continue their journey of discovery in Freemasonry.

In May 2023, Victory Through Harmony Lodge launched the RWB Saul Yaros Memorial Online Masonic Library to honor the memory and contributions of our dear departed brother. Through his online masonic library, RWB Saul will continue to mentor and inspire the brethren of Victory Through Harmony Lodge for generations to come.

Brethren, the roll of the workmen has been called and our Brother Saul has not answered to his name. Our heavenly father has taken him gently by the hand and led him into that "House not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens."